平和運動のシンボル(Peace Symbol)をアレンジした自然木のピースペンダントは、斧折れカンバと異名を持つ樺の木です。
A piece pendant made of natural wood with a symbol of the peace movement.
We handcraft each one in the hope that we can draw a freehand way of life that respects individuality.
From tomorrow, we will introduce a series of natural wood piece pendants.
When you discover that your baby’s first teeth are growing, you’re full of joy.
The peace pendant made of natural wood, which is inspired by tat the start of the peace movement, is inspired by the time when the baby’s first teeth are growing.
Eventually, the peace movement spread all over the world and the symbol mark became sympathetic.
I made a piece pendant of natural wood with red zelkova.
I made it with a piece pendant made of natural wood and rosewood with a beautiful reddish image, which is an image of the development of the movement and the unification of the five continents.